Aervy WiFi Extender Not Working​: Let’s Fix It!

Surely, the Aervy wifi range boosters are one of the most popular devices in the digital world due to their extraordinary functionalities. This feature-packed networking device is efficient enough to expand the existing router’s network and eliminate dead zones inside your premises. Still, some users complain that their Aervy WiFi Extender Not Working​. This happens due to various reasons, which we will be discussing in this guide. Further, this guide also offers quick insights into some quick tips to fix this issue. So, let’s start!

Why is My Aervy WiFi Extender Not Working​?

As mentioned in the previous section, the Aervy is one of the topmost networking devices. But, some users often complain about certain issues with their devices. So, this section outlines some of the major causes behind the Aervy Extender Not Working issue, along with some quick fixes:

Hardware Issues With Fixes!

  • Poor WiFi Signals: Having unstable or no internet is one of the leading causes of the extender not working issue. 

However, to fix this issue, ensure that there is no ongoing maintenance work or outages in your area. Additionally, keep the router and extender in the same room.

  • Insufficient Power Supply: Sometimes, the Aervy WiFi Extender Not Working​ issue occurs due to the insufficient power supply. 

Thus, confirm that your networking device has a sufficient power supply. Also, inspect the power adapters, cords, and wall outlets. If you see any fraying or signs of damage, replace them immediately.

  • Network Interference: Certainly, an uninterrupted wifi signal plays an important role in keeping the extender working efficiently. But, if there are any signal interference or physical obstructions, then you might face Aervy extender not working issue.

Therefore, to eradicate it, remove the microwave, heavy furniture, mirrors, sheer curtains, e etc, coming between your devices. You can also reposition your wifi router to another location, where it transmits maximum signal strength.

Connectivity Issues & Fixes

  • Login Issues: Most commonly, the Aervy wifi extender doesn’t work, if you use the incorrect login credentials to access its interface. 

That’s why always verify the login details before accessing your networking device’s dashboard. You can confirm these credentials from the user manual or the product label. 

  • Firmware Issues: However, outdated firmware could also be a reason behind these recurrent issues. Sometimes, a corrupted or incompatible firmware file poses this error.

This is to say that, you must regularly check and update the firmware file on your range extender. Most importantly, check its conversion and compatibility with your device before updating it.

  • Incorrect WiFi Name & Password: You will struggle with the Aervy WiFi Extender Not Working error if you use incorrect wifi credentials. Your networking devices have a unique SSID and password that allows you to connect to the available wifi network. 

So, to avoid this issue, check the default wifi name and password on the device authentication card. You can also see these credentials in the user manual.

  • Technical Glitches & Bugs: Nonetheless, your Aervy repeaters won’t work, if you have any technical glitches or bugs in your device. Moreover, it may also halt the normal functioning of your device. 

To fix it, give your networking device a cold restart. For that, unplug your range extender from the power supply, wait for 30 seconds, and plug the devices back into the power source.

**Pro Tip:** If you are still unable to fix this issue, then factory reset your networking device. 

On the Whole

Finally, you have gone through our brief blog post detailing the Aervy WiFi Extender Not Working​ issue. Hopefully, our guide clearly defined the main causes and troubleshooting tips to eradicate this issue.

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